Morning’s ritual – how to start a good day -2

le rituel du matin - morning ritual

To start a good day is our goal. Our full day will dependent on those few minutes. Establish a morning ritual is essential!

You have started to work on the morning organization, and get up to the ideal time to avoid the morning run. Let’s take a moment to create a morning ritual that will make you productive all day long .

You should start gently to wake up your body and mind.

Whether you live alone or in a couple, plan your morning early to spend a few minutes with yourself. This moment, this ritual is yours, and you will dedicate you fully and without distraction.

Stimulate your energy

Every morning , do some self-massage exercises to stimulate your body, blood circulation, and energy. I found on YouTube a video that shows some exercises just after awakening.

Boost energy in the morning by Karine Smagghe.

I began by viewing the weekend and do the exercises. Then for a few weeks, I launched the video on my smartphone to not miss the various movements. Now that I know the « choreography » by heart and I do not need to watch it anymore. It takes me about 5 minutes, and I guarantee that I feel awake.
Many videos of this type are available on the Internet so make your market! During those few minutes, your mind must stay focused on your body. This is not the time to anticipate the rest of the day, we are here and now, in pajamas, in the living room or room and stimulated energy.

Be physically active

Then we can continue with a daily sport. Depending on your taste, a jogging, a session of yoga, pilates, stretching, what suits you. This session will not be long, 15 to 20 minutes, unless you can allow more time for your morning routine into your schedule. You wake up your muscles, your joints.

If you have no clue or would like to be « encouraged », again, YouTube offers thousands of sessions of a few minutes. However, be careful to check your health before you jump into a sport.

I offer a few examples of what I tested and which, to date, is best for me, and I practice every morning.

Beginners Morning Yoga For Energy – 20 Minute Workout Stretch & Flexibility Routine

Fitness Master Class – Stretching Global

Below are the exercises that I practice every day:

Again, you choose what suits you. It is important if you are new, watch the exercises several times during the weekend in order not to lose time in the morning. If you hesitate, why not switch several types of activities? And for those who are more equipped,use your bike, elliptical, treadmills … take care to warm up before!

If you decide to follow a tutorial as those presented above, store the video in your personal playlist « sport » to find it quickly in the morning. After a few weeks, you should be able to practice without the video if you prefer.

Being Here and Now

Once you master your movements, pay close attention to the routine. The risk is to do the movements by automation and let his mind wander. The ritual is focused on you. Concentrate: Here and Now.

[ctt title= »Listen to your body and feel its reactions. Stay focused on yourself » tweet= »Be Here and Now when practicing the physical activity of your morning ‘ ritual via @productivYou ‎ » coverup= »n1FU6″]

Stimulate your mind

If you do not  wish to practice exercise or have enough time, take a few minutes

  • to read,
  • to write in your journal or book that you’ve never started (or finished),
  • To learn a foreign language …

Have an event just for you that will feed your mind. Moreover, leave your mailbox out. This could wait for your arrival at the office, the world will not collapse if you do not read them before your arrival at the office!

In the shower, plan your day

Moreover, always quiet, proceed to the next phase, the shower. Why talk about the shower? Because in the shower, we begin to see our day. Ask your surroundings, you’ll be surprised at the number of people who reviews their schedule in the shower and organizes the various tasks.

There may have a scientific explanation for this, and if you know it, I will be happy to hear it!

So in the shower, you visualize your day, the main points (an important meeting, a task that has to be done , etc. …) Remember my last advice. The night before we take a look at the schedule of the next day, thus avoiding unpleasant surprises. By doing that we record all relevant information that will help your brain to find the best way to organize and process.

Now you are ready to prepare the children, the real breakfast and take a moment to discuss the future day with the rest of the family. You will not hesitate to remind children how you are proud of them and tell them how you love them (even if they are grumpy teenagers!)

Finally, leave on time!

Small summary of the ritual in an infographic:

The morning ritual – productivyou

morning ritual

Your turn now, and play with this ritual in order to find the one that energizes you the most. I guarantee that you will quickly feel the benefits of this morning ritual.

In the third step, we will see the arrival at the office!

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Have a nice day !

Priscille LIVENAIS
J'ai une passion pour l'organisation, la gestion des projets et les outils de productivité. Mon but n'est pas de tout faire, mais de ne faire QUE ce qui compte vraiment pour mener la vie que je souhaite, tout en sérénité.
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