Serenity in 2015 with Productiv’You

Season greetings is here and I will not fail to tradition.

I wish you a wonderful year in 2015 and together we will make it effective and serene.

serenity on "Ile d'Yeux"It is also traditionally the time to make good resolutions. I suggest instead that you set a goal or more for this new year. You may consider ways to achieve this, the motivation that drives you to choose it.

The main point is that this goal gives something to YOU!

I suggest you want to spend a peaceful year. You can get serenity in many ways. Do yoga, go running regularly, for example, but mostly ORGANIZE you to be serene.

What will serenity allow you ?

First, it will allow you to avoid stress or unnecessary nervousness, which is good for your heart and your relationships with those around you.

Moreover, serenity will return you, a calm and composed picture, able to deal with the hassle of everyday life. You will be able to cope with worry and difficulties with effectiveness and composure.

How personal organization can help you keep your serenity?

Let’s take an example that will speak for working parents. I experienced it many times, and I’m not the only one:

You work all day, and your children are in school. A babysitter picks them up after school, accompanies them to your home and helps with their homework while waiting for your return.

And today, your babysitter calls you at 3 pm to inform you that she will not be able to pick up your children. (I’m sure this situation is talking to some of you, right?)

And this is a drama! It is precisely the day when your partner is 100 km away in a seminar. And you are on a business trip and unless a Jet does come and pick you up in a minute, you will not be at school on time!

So is the drama … or not.

As you are organized and thus far-sighted you have « recruited » 2 or 3 babysitters just in case … In a few phone calls, the “rescue” babysitter is ready to take over.
You had a few palpitations, but everything is under control. You continue your day, and everything finished well.

Utopian? No, far from it. I have tested many times by my own. I will return in another article on selecting babysitter.

What this example shows?

Organization without taking into account the potential troubles could imply « drama », panic. In the example, you will get your children to the police station under the accusing eyes of the Police officials who besides will give you a lecture. (for short I pass on your late dreadful day, the remorse that assail you, the feeling of being the worst parents in the world, etc. …).
With an organization that anticipates potential problems, it becomes a minor incident, treated in minutes. You will find your children at home as usual!

It is this kind of tips I want to share with you in my articles and if possible collect your stuff to the benefit of the community.

So I wish you a nice, serene and organized New Year with Productiv’ You and we will work together for it!

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Priscille LIVENAIS
J'ai une passion pour l'organisation, la gestion des projets et les outils de productivité. Mon but n'est pas de tout faire, mais de ne faire QUE ce qui compte vraiment pour mener la vie que je souhaite, tout en sérénité.
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